
Thoughts on Working From Home

Thoughts on Working From Home

A few weeks ago, with not much notice, a huge number of employees left their office desks behind to venture into the new and at first, quite appealing domain of ‘working from home’.

I suspect most left with the bare minimum, hoping naively for a quick resolution to the circumstances, personally my stash was my laptop, a pen, a notepad and a calculator.  Wholly inadequate as I was to realise later !!

There is so much about being in an office environment that we take for granted.  The practical elements – good seating and desk space, access to stationery and work related catalogues or information, print facilities, quiet space, the list could go on and on.

Just as important is the social interaction and the ease with to share ideas, knowledge, experience and the cooperation between colleagues to get the job done.

Unless you are a seasoned ‘remote worker’ most will have quickly realised the inadequacy of our home ‘set up’ whether physical or mental.

A connection to our employer and work colleagues has never been more vital.  Whether by means of practical items like branded notebooks, pens, sanitisers, earbuds or a cordless mouse to help with day to day working.  Or maybe confectionery, adult colouring books or water bottles for furloughed staff who are likely to be feeling very disconnected.

We are all dealing with our different situations the best we are can, and it is no less difficult for the employers who have had tough decisions to make.

Onward and upward – stay safe people – appreciate each other and let’s do our best to get through this.